By: Stephanie Holland Advocacy can take many forms, from simple things like being out in the community every day so people have a chance to see and interact with someone who has an intellectual and/or developmental disability, to more complicated issues that…
read moreBy: Brandy Snow and Stephanie Holland Have you heard of Mosaic Down syndrome but wondered what it was or how different it is from Trisomy 21?Has some one asked you if you can have “a little bit” of Down syndrome? We learned about…
read moreEverything Starts at Home This week there is the Buddy Walk on Washington. Big things are being done on the big stage. But, what’s happening at home in your town? The local groups have their feet on the ground, working for the…
read moreBy: Beth Sullivan and Stephanie Holland While we’re talking about collaboration in the Down syndrome community, we have to highlight how social media has made it much easier for individuals to reach out to others in similar situations. The International Down Syndrome…
read moreYou know, for years (YEARS) I kept a bassinette in my garage, just in case someone left a baby on my doorstep. No one ever did, likely because in this day and age, it doesn’t usually work that way. (Fortunately, I should…
read moreBy: Stephanie Holland E is for Evolution, and the story of the Down syndrome community is all about evolving.From the science to society’s views, to the way we’re able to connect and support each other – everything has changed dramatically in just…
read moreBy: Stephanie Holland When we talk about collaboration, we explore how people work together on a common goal.Families do this all of the time.In today’s A to Z Blog, we’ll look at how a father created a new model of “support” group…
read moreBy: Stephanie Holland As we’ve officially passed the half-way mark on Down syndrome Awareness Month, I wanted to take a moment and address some of the comments and discussions we’ve seen so far. Every year, we have the same debate: Awareness…
read moreWe all made buttons with our kids’ pictures on them and wore them at the NDSC conference in 1990. The Emotions Involved My experience with “the nationals” started with my first NDSC conference in Memphis, TN, in 1990. When I was able…
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