In our “For the Love of Music” course we talk about musical theater, on Broadway and in movie theaters. In a fabulous piece by Down syndrome specialist and advocate Dr. Dennis McGuire mused about how things would be “If People With Down…
read moreWhen we talk about nutrition in week 5 of the Cooking and Nutrition course, we link to a short video by Kids Learning Tube. In the video “Eat Your Rainbow,” we get an animated tour through the benefits of different fruits and…
read moreIn week 5 of Cooking and Nutrition we make pumpkin deviled eggs with Sarah. We use videos to learn about where eggs come from, talk about eggs being a good source of protein, and reinforce previous learning about food groups…
read moreWe made a special course to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day, March 21, 2018. The theme of the international celebration was #WhatIBringToMyCommunity #WDSD18 This special free course offers a short explanation of WDSD and samples from three of our paid courses:…
read moreIn the six-week course “For the Love of Music” we talk about movie and Broadway musicals. Several of the musicals we explore have a historical context. When we talk about “Hairspray,” which is set in 1962 Baltimore, Maryland, we look at…
read moreEach week in our course “Cooking and Nutrition” we watch a video from “Sarah’s Great Day” – the YouTube channel where a teenager who has Down syndrome (and her mother) teaches viewers how to cook great dishes. In week one we…
read moreFor the past four years, we’ve participated in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. For our fifth year, we’re going to talk about our online courses designed for adults who have Down syndrome.
The Road We’ve Shared has launched a new project. New online courses for adults who have Down syndrome are designed to support socialization and learning in adulthood. Two online courses are set to begin October 1st in coordination with the beginning of…
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