“Just Jessica” is a character based on our teenage daughter, Jessica. Jessica is a typical teenager in many ways, but there is one difference. Jessica was born with Down syndrome. Just one extra chromosome results in so many differences and special challenges, all of which she takes on head first. Too often people with special needs face a world where their differences are the focus of the solutions. Just Jessica sees the world from a unique perspective and she focuses on what we all have in common. Jessica is truly a “blessing from God.” She is a unique snowflake and a “special” person who touches the hearts of everyone she meets. However, in her own words she is “Just Jessica.” In so many ways Jessica thinks, feels and acts like a regular, old fashioned, teenager. The arguments, fears, loves and pains, the acting up and acting out, the body changes, the anxiety, the humor, the full gambit of emotions and trials we all go through are hers. Through it all, she dances gracefully along the thin line of “special needs” and what many refer to as “normal.”