Buddy Walk On Washington
If you’re a regular here on The Road, you’ll know that racial disparities and research are important to us. During the #BWW2015 over 150 advocates advocates from across the country met with over 100 Capitol Hill offices and talked about the NDSS legislative priorities for the year. This year, Down syndrome research is part of that list. It was a great opportunity to bring our specific concerns to the attention of lawmakers as one part of a larger agenda.
We thank the NDSS for all their hard work – putting this event together and spending countless hours working in the political arena for the benefit of all people who have Down syndrome.
From the President of NDSS
This is my favorite picture from her latest post taken “just hours after the Maryland Ethan Saylor Self-Advocacy Center Bill Passed the Maryland House!” Heather Sachs shown here with Patti and Sara, is charged with helping each state pass their own ABLE Act!
The folks at NDSS are always on the go when it comes to legislation.
Be sure to check out Sara’s blog for more great pictures and stories about the Buddy Walk on Washington in the coming days!