A group of scientists headed by Dr. Marie-OdileRethoré from the Institut Jérôme Lejeune, recently published a new proposal for cancer screening guidelines for the Ds community.

Based on the fact that people with Ds are affected by cancer differently than those without – for example they get solid tumors half as much – these doctors suggest changing the way doctors perform cancer screening tests.

The specific tumor profile in DS warrants an adapted screening program for breast, colon, cervical and testicular neoplasia.

  • “We propose that adults with DS should participate in colon cancer screening.
  • For women with DS, breast cancer screening is not recommended, but annual clinical monitoring should be conducted, with the option to perform ultrasound or MRI examination in suspect cases.
  • For cervical cancer, screening could be proposed to women who are sexually active beginning at age 25 years.
  • Annual surveillance for testicular cancer via palpation by a health professional is preferable from ages 15 to 45.
  • In case of additional genetic predisposition in a person with DS, a surveillance similar to other family members is recommended.”


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