Today we celebrate the beginning of season 3 of Born This Way on A&E ! (Watch the latest trailer!)
Our goal for this year’s A to Z challenge is to encourage conversations about employment for people with Down syndrome (Ds). We believe in the idea of freedom of choice when it comes to helping our loved ones find a job that meets their needs and matches their talents. No dream is too small or too big – it’s all about self-determination and the quest for independence! Today we celebrate the recent announcement from A&E regarding the May 16th premier of season 3 of Born This Way, not just because we love the show (we do!) but also because of the awareness it is creating when it comes to jobs for our loved ones.

First, the show has provided seven individuals with Ds great jobs in the entertainment field. Not only are they stars on the show, they are now sought after for personal appearance gigs during the off season. Hopefully, they’ve also had an impact on how casting directors think about the abilities of people with Ds. By showing the world how talented they are, they are changing perceptions throughout the industry.

Perhaps even more important is the awareness the show brings to the range of jobs that are out there and the services that are available to help people find those jobs. Each of the stars in the show is pursuing his/her own dreams and finding jobs that suit their talents. The examples people see on screen can encourage other parents to think outside of the box and enlist help when they need it.
We’ll be talking more about the show as the premiere date gets closer. We’re already planning on coming together to “live Tweet” during the show and we hope you’ll join us! Let’s give them the support they need to continue on this mission!
Look for #BTW3 (Born This Way Season 3) and follow the link below to sign up as a member of the Twitter Chat!
Here’s the latest trailer from A&E!