When someone with Down syndrome wants to break into the acting biz, the best place to find an agent who “gets it” is Kazarian/Measures/Ruskin & Associates (KMR) and Gail Williamson’s Down Syndrome in Arts & Media (DSiAM).
Her list of clients reads like a who’s who of the Ds community. In a recent interview Gail was asked about films that hire non-disabled actors to play disabled characters. Her answer summarizes why we chose DSiAM to spotlight in today’s blog.
“If anyone starts looking online for disability and hiring actors, they end up here eventually.”
In an effort to spotlight two great resources at once, I’m going to suggest that anyone interested in finding out more about Gail and the agency she works for read the great interview in ABILITY Magazine. If you’re not familiar with the publication this is a perfect opportunity to jump in and explore all that they have to offer!
In closing, a big thanks to Gail for all of her hard work bringing role models for our community to television and film!