Do you have someone who can complete your sentences? Someone who is the ying to your yang? Someone who truly makes you a better person? I do! Her name is Mardra and it’s her birthday month!
She calls me her evil twin – and that’s FINE with me! (Right Marcus?!) I super lucky she’s stuck with me this far – a year and a half and we finally got to meet face to face in Phoenix!
While she’s been involved in every project I’ve thrown at her, she’s had a few of her own cooking.
Since I happen to know that lists are a big thing in the Sikora household, I thought I’d celebrate her birthday (I’ll let her tell you which one) with my own:
Top 10 Reasons I Think Mardra is THE BEST!
10. She’s not afraid to tell me to put on the brakes when I get outta control and want to do it all – NOW!
9. She’s the diplomat on my shoulder when I get … over emotional about something!
8. She’s the woman with a plan – and a notebook for it!
7. She’s pretty much always right – but never gloats about it!
6. She’s not only wise beyond her years, she’s a patient teacher!
5. She knows what I’m trying to say – sometimes before I do!
4. When she feels strongly about something – get ready for the earth to move!
3. I wanna be like her when I grow up!
2. She’s a hip, karaoke signing mom with a super cool son!
1. She doesn’t mind being associated with ME!
Thank you Mardra for all you’ve done for The Road We’ve Shared and for me! Happy birthday!!!!