In our first show, we talked about guardianship and sheltered workshops with two other friends, for two hours, and didn’t quite get through all of our thoughts. :D
- 8/29/2014 2:00 PM Author Sherry Palmer talks about her new book “Life with Charley”
- 8/27/2014 1:30 PM Spirit Club in Maryland Tailors Fitness to Special Needs
- 8/16/2014 1:00 PM Sarah’s Great Day Cooking Show Features Teen with Down Syndrome
- 7/9/2014 9:00 AM Exhibitors from the NDSC conference talk Buddy Up Tennis, Fitness, and Fun!
- 7/7/2014 5:00 PM Justice For Ethan Director Ed Rhodes Talks About the Upcoming Documentary
- 7/6/2014 3:00 PM Ruby’s Rainbow – Scholarships for Adults who have Down syndrome
- 7/3/2014 3:30 PM NIH Talks about Ds Connect – The Down syndrome Registry
- 7/2/2014 10:00 AM Mark Leach talks about Prenatal Testing for Down syndrome
- 6/30/2014 4:00 PM Joey’s Up With Downs – The Adult Sibling Perspective of Down syndrome
- 6/29/2014 2:00 PM Getting to know you! Parents and Caregivers of Adults who have Down syndrome
We’ve had a great time meeting each one of our guests!
You’re always invited to join the conversation live by typing question into our live chat box or calling in to speak directly with the guests. If you can’t listen live, our show are available for download minutes after the show finishes either on our BlogTalk page, or here on our website under Radio Shows.
To be sure you won’t miss any show announcements, you can “Follow” our show on the BlogTalk page. Today at 11:00 am ET we’ll be talking with Allie from Allie Art Design.