This post is part of our A to Z Blogging Challenge 2021 with the theme Down syndrome in the media.
read moreJust days before his wedding anniversary, it seems that it may take a miracle to find the perfect present for his wife.
read moreK is for Kelly – Star of the touching documentary created by her brother Brian Donovan- Kelly’s Hollywood.
read moreThis year, we decided to celebrate Ethan Saylor’s legacy by hosting a film festival. It was a chance to remember Ethan’s love of movies and help promote filmmakers and actors in our community.
read moreAs my mind gets out of constant planning mode, and back into the everyday groove, I wanted to take a moment and share a few thoughts on last weekend’s festivities.
read moreWhy would you plan an event to honor Ethan at a movie theater of all places? It’s a valid question. Since Ethan’s death, movie theaters have become traumascapes – places that trigger anxiety and depression – for many people, myself included.
read moreAll too often the Down syndrome community specifically, and the disability community in general, are left out of important political debates. We are typically impacted by the same civil rights issues as other minority groups, sometimes even more so because of the…
read moreWe are excited to announce that The Road We’ve Shared and The International Down Syndrome Coalition (IDSC) are hosting the first annual Ethan Saylor Memorial Film Festival!
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